Who WE Are

WE can do this!

We help families imagine a more exciting educational journey for their children through home-based-learning, then give them the tools they need to pursue it.

What is WeSchool?

WeSchool is a support community for  parent-educators that provides a flexible schedule learning center, coaching, and resources to make home-based education more accessible, enjoyable, and successful.

What WE Value

Personalized Learning

Every child is unique and deserves an individually curated educational journey that will unlock all of the purpose, power, and potential that is on the inside of them.  That’s why we work with families to assess each child's strengths and needs then develop plans to support their growth into lifelong learners.

City As Campus

Homeschooling is not just something that takes place around an old wooden table at home in Smallville, USA.   Home-based learning actually enables families to take advantage of all of the amazing learning opportunities that our city has to offer.  That’s why we lead our kids in weekly Learning Excursions in around the city that provide real-world reinforcement of the concepts and themes of the month.

Character Development

Even more important than what a child can learn is who the child will become.  We leverage our personalized approach, Learning Excursions, and close family relationships to reinforce strong character development.

Family At The Center

Strong families are the key to educational success.  So, we like to keep families as the focal point of the child’s educational development, not a school.  We’ve designed our program and model to make educating your children much easier with less stress.

Meet The Founder

Aziza Butler

I’ve known since the age of seven that I wanted to be a teacher.  Even at that young age, I had a love for learning and a passion for helping others access knowledge.  Over time, I went from playing “school” with toys, to being a committed teacher’s aide in all of my classes, to being an Elementary Education major at DePaul University in Chicago.
As I grew, I also discovered other passions in my heart. I discovered that my faith and love for God are real and important to me.  I discovered that I have a passion for my city, Chicago.  I discovered that I wanted to be a wife and a mother.  I discovered that I love to help people.  I discovered that I want to change the world.
All of these passions have come alive in WeSchool.
Twelve years ago, I gave birth to my daughter.  I was a classroom teacher at the time, but when I held her in my arms, I knew that she was uniquely mine.  I knew that she deserved an incredibly high level of attention, nurture, and guidance in order to ensure that she not only learned “text book” information, but learned to unlock all of the amazing gifts and talents that are on the inside of her.  That’s why my husband and I decided to homeschool.  And that’s why we still homeschool her and our 5 sons.
As a teacher, I know that every child is special.  I know that every child deserves the same kind of love and focused guidance that my children receive.  As I’ve gotten more involved with mothers through organizations like MOPS (Mothers Of Pre-Schoolers) and the church where we pastor, I began to realize that so many families feel the same way about their children as I do.  They just don’t feel equipped to take on the full weight of educating their children at home. They need support.
And that’s why I started WeSchool.  Now, families have a supportive learning community from which they can access as much or as little help as they need to curate a personalized journey of educational development for each child.  
And I know that as these little people grow into their purpose...that’ll change the world.